In one of the more unusual uses for LED textile displays, Gallery Toto now incorporates Philips LED textile display panels in its gallery of state-of-the-art toilets at Narita International Airport. The showcase is of advanced toilets from Japanese toilet manufacturer Toto. The gallery employs 17 Luminous textile Kvadrat Soft Cells panels from Philips which can display dynamic images.
Gallery Toto - Narita International Airport Philips LED-based Textiles act as displays that line the outer walls for the gallery of toilet technology
Toto asked Klein Dytham architecture to develop the ideas and objectives into Gallery Toto which would showcase toilet technology and comfort. The project intends to share the idea of toilets to share the goal of offering tasteful, luxurious, and even beautiful toilets and lavatories with the rest of the world.
Uniquely, the toilets can clean users with a spray of anti-bacterial water, in addition to the available toilet paper. The outside of these multiple, one-commode and one urinal bathrooms feature Philips textile displays to accentuate the style and luxury of featured toilets.
Gallery Toto is in the communication passage of the Narita Sky Lounge that connects the Terminal 2 and the Satellite (annex) of the Narita International Airport. The fully functional bathroom technology showcase is a welcoming place for travelers looking to relieve themselves.