After 18 great years, we’re wrapping up the sites…

It seems like only a short time ago that we launched the original CompoundSemi Online News, which started it all. It was 2000 (yes, Y2K) and online publishing was just getting started. “The compounds” were that geeky technology that was enabling the mobile communications and optical communications revolutions, and LEDs were still a few years from commercializing blue/white as available colors. Along the way, we spun out the entire publication family by adding LIGHTimes/SSLnet followed by Solid State Lighting Design. The crew here also co-produced the CS Outlook conferences, followed in order by the Blue 2003-2009 LED conferences, CS Vision and finally the SSL Summit series. All great events that brought together true forward-thinkers in our collective industries.

It’s been a good run, and I would like all our readers, conference attendees and sponsors to consider this as a personal thanks for tuning in and participating. Thanks also to our original editor and Co-founder, JoAnn McDonald, for her initial passion, enthusiasm and editorial wit. JoAnn’s act was a hard one to follow, but I think Scott McMahan more than covered it with his diligence and consistency to get you quality, curated news with context and significance. Thank you Scott. And thanks as well to our hard working “web guy”, Jim Camomile of Stormhill Media. He brought us ably to our final platform here, and kept things running with quick turnaround on both crisis and enhancements.

And very special thanks are also due to my perfect wife, Patsy. She was the woman behind the scenes, whether it was conference logistics, doing her level best to keep the books straight, or just tolerating me with a smile while I did whatever it was I was doing.

In about a week we’ll be forwarding the main domains to new partners, and don’t be surprised if you see our content hanging around somewhere as useful background info on the companies and topics we’ve covered over the years. Most of all, I hope we have helped you to spot the trends and opportunities that gave you a bit of an edge. Call it the ROI for your time with us.

The CompoundSemi, LED and LED lighting industries continue to be some of the most dynamic and impactful industries out there, and I look forward to our collectively “bright” future. Your involvement in one or all of these industries makes a difference. Please keep at it. Whether you realize it or not, you’re part of something that is changing the world for the better one bit of technology and one “knowledge brick” at a time.

Should you wish to make a business connection with myself or one of our teammates for the future, please don’t hesitate to reach out via LinkedIn.

Blessings and Merry Christmas to all! And to all, a good night…

Tom Griffiths

Luxeon Color